Are you Being Useful at The Right Time to Your Customers? Micro-moment Marketing is the Answer!
Last updated on Aug, 01 2019
What is Micro-moment Marketing?

Why should you care?
With our dependence on a smartphone increasing rapidly, consumers are more likely to run into these micro-moments while purchasing something or looking online for help. Each one of these micro-moments is a critical opportunity for you to shape your consumer's decision. When a consumer is looking to buy something on the internet, his/her expectations are high while the patience is low. Therefore, at those micro-moment, quality, relevance, and shortness of your content becomes more important than ever. Below listed are some main advantages:-- To create brand awareness. More than half of smartphone users have discovered a new brand or product while searching on their smartphones
- To create brand committed consumers. 90% of the smartphone users are not brand committed. They are not absolutely certain of buying a specific brand.
- To swing a consumer's decision. 1 out of 3 customers have purchased from a company or a brand just because the information provided by that brand or company when they required it.
- 91% of smartphone users look up information on their smartphones while in the middle of a task
- 82% of smartphone users consult their phones while deciding which product to buy and one in ten of those ends up buying a different product than the one that they planned to buy
- 69% of online consumers say that the quality, timing and relevance of a marketing message influences their perception of a brand
How to win these micro-moments?

- When someone is researching and comparing but is not in purchasing mode
- When someone is considering to buy something at a local store nearby and looking for its address
- When someone is looking for some help completing a project or want to learn or start something new
- When someone is ready to make a purchase
- Know your consumer and anticipate their needs
- Include paid ads on social media platforms
- Make your content easy to consume
- Be relevant
- Be there in the moments of need
- Be accountable
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