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4 Tips to Drive Inbound Leads from Mobile Marketing Mobile Commerce Marketing

4 Tips to Drive Inbound Leads from Mobile Marketing


Last updated on Mar, 16 2017

Halfway into 2016, mobile marketing is just as powerful as ever. More people own smartphones than ever before as the market becomes increasingly global. If you want to start reaching more people and driving leads, the mobile market is one of your best places to start.

Here are four important rules to drive leads via mobile marketing:

Rule #1 Segment and Target Your Audience

Inbound marketing is all about connecting with your audience. If you’re sending out mass messages, that’s not going to happen. You need to segment your audience and deliver them messaging and promotions that are specific to them. A good way to do this is by using mobile short-codes. These allow users to send you a single word to subscribe to your text message campaigns. You should create specific short-codes for a wide variety of targeted campaigns, allowing users to pick which communications will benefit the most. This allows you to send targeted, useful information without annoying any potential leads.

Rule #2 Don’t Send Messages Whenever You Feel Like

It’s easy to send out messages on Tuesday afternoons because that’s when you have a chance to craft them, but that’s not going to lead to great results. If you want to truly reach a larger audience and drive more inbound leads, you need to send messages when they’re willing to take a look at them. Here is some useful advice on the best time to send text messages:
  • Don’t send messages on a Monday without a strong reason. Your audience is gloomier than usual on Mondays, and jaded from all the advertising they were exposed to over the weekend.
  • Avoid sending messages during the weekend, too. Otherwise, you’ll just be one of a hundred other companies that the users are exposed to.
  • Choose hours when people are sitting at home or in the office, not when they’re traveling. This means avoiding tradition rush hour, which is usually Monday to Friday from about 7am to 9am and 4 pm to 6pm.

Rule #3 Focus on Instant Access

Mobile devices are more usable than ever, but they’re clunkier than the laptop and desktop computers found in many homes. If you want to drive leads, you need to make it as easy for them as possible. For mobile applications, don’t worry about grabbing any demographic or personal information at the start. Give them full access to your app and loyalty program with just an email address and password. To collect more important information, like gender and date of birth, offer a simple incentive. The most important thing is getting them to sign-up in the first place. Another good idea is making your phone number clickable wherever you list it. If phone numbers are difficult to call, you’ll annoy about half of your customers and drive them to take a look at your competition.

Rule #4 Go Where Your Customers Are

Not everybody has the resources to design and launch a mobile application, but you can still take advantage of mobile apps by focusing heavily on social networks. In fact, people spend over 40% of their total mobile application usage time on Facebook alone. YouTube and Twitter are also quite popular, but are still firmly behind Facebook. Luckily, increasing your presence on social media, and especially on Facebook, is simple. Just start taking the valuable content you’re already creating and sharing it on these platforms. Spend time interacting with your audience, offering incentives for their participation. Pretty soon, you’ll see an increase in shares and engagement, and leads will start finding you organically.

Are you using mobile marketing to drive more inbound leads? Share your own tips and experiences below by leaving us a quick comment!


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